In a disturbing case in California, a 23-year-old man named O. Shover was given a life term without the chance of parole for killing his former classmate A. Briones (16) in what the prosecutors called a murderous act of revenge.
Shover was found guilty of first-degree murder with the special circumstance of lying in wait. Under California law, this means that he should get life in prison without the chance of parole or the death punishment. He was given his sentence earlier this week.
The terrible chain of events began when Briones was last seen living, getting into Shover’s car on January 13, 2019. After several hours, she was nowhere to be found, and the only thing that was left behind was blood from her body in the trunk of Shover’s car, which was a sad sign of her death.
Teen Lured to Her Death by Student
Shover and Briones went to the same school and were both involved in a gun incident in 2017. Along with other students, Shover and Briones were not going to school today because they wanted to spend time at a nearby park. When a truancy officer came to break up the group, Shover, who was carrying a small gun, became very scared.
He quickly gave Briones the gun and told her to hide it. Briones was so scared that he threw the gun into a nearby drainage ditch, but he was caught as he did it. When police and school officials questioned her, she finally admitted that Shover had given her the gun to hide and that he had done it.
Both of those students were finally kicked out of school in February 2018 because of what happened. The fact that Shover was kicked out of school made people angry, which led to the fatal event. Shover, who was angry, tricked Briones into going with him to spend time with him on the day of the murder.
The prosecution said that he had carefully planned the day that he would kill Briones. He texted her about dangerous adventures involving selling drugs and robbing drug dealers, which was a dangerous lure that the young girl fell for.
At his trial, frightening text messages from Shover to his brother telling him to get shovels and lighter fluid ready were used as proof that the crime was planned ahead of time. Shover killed Briones with a handgun he had been trying to get since he was kicked out of school and finally did.
After that, he picked up his older brother and drove with him to the rough and remote mountains, where they buried Briones’ body. However, Briones’ body has not been found despite thorough searches in the mountainous area.
This has left her family with an unfilled grief that will never go away. As the investigation into her absence went on, the terrible events that led to her death became clear.
During the trial, the prosecution focused on how Shover carefully carried out his plan, from getting Briones to trust him again to making sure he had everything he needed to hide his crime. During his trial, it was shockingly revealed that Shover had asked if he should get a “trophy” for being a convicted murderer. This showed a disturbing lack of humanity or regret for his actions.
Shover’s 27-year-old brother was also involved in the case. He was first charged with murder but later pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact, which got him a much lighter sentence of one year in jail and probation. Shover decided to go through a six-day test.
The jury decided on his fate and found him guilty of first-degree murder after more than a day of deliberation. Because California doesn’t have the death punishment right now, he was given a life sentence without the chance of parole.
Briones was known as a lively young woman whose life was brutally cut short by someone she used to know. Her mother, who was deeply sad, told her that the harsh truth was that the sentence would not bring her daughter back or truly make up for the life that was so young and full of promise that was taken away so cruelly.
Torture the bastards until they disclose the girls location and then make organ donors out of them.
This was a terrible decision he made to take someone’s life