Social Security checks for Group 4 workers in the US will start coming out on October 23, 2024. This group is made up of retired people who started getting income after May 1997.
The average amount of this payment is $1,800, but it is important to keep in mind that the exact amount depends on things like the number of years of contributions and the type of benefit.
This payment is part of the annual changes that Social Security makes.
It includes the 2024 COLA (cost-of-living adjustment), which is added to all Social Security payments to help people keep their buying power as prices rise. Because of this, not every retiree will get exactly $1,800; the amount they get relies on their own situation.
Group 4 is one of the last to get their monthly payment because their due dates are so far apart.
Because the retirees are put into groups based on their dates of birth and other factors that say which group they belong to. Due to the above reasons, different retirees may get different amounts of money. For many, the payments will be close to $1,800.
October 23rd Payment Requirements
People who retired in Group 4 and whose salary started after May 1997 will get the payment on October 23.
In this group are a lot of retirees who have been getting their money for years, but every year the amount they get is changed to account for inflation and changes in the economy.
The average of $1,800 is a good number to look at, but not every retiree will get the same amount. It depends on how long they worked and what they chose to do when they left.
Social Security sends these checks to people based on their group number, which is mostly based on the month they were born and the date they first started getting benefits.

In this case, retirees in Group 4 will get the $1,800 payment this month. However, the amount could be higher or lower based on their work history.
There are only two things that are needed for the October 23 check:
- Have a Social Security benefit since after May 1997.
- Have a birthday between the 21st and 31st of any month.
The total amount of the checks is also affected by changes that Social Security makes every cycle, such as the COLA increase. In other words, the end amount may be different for each beneficiary, even though $1,800 is the average.
People who are retired should know about these changes so that they can better plan for how much money they will get in the future. Another thing to remember is that it does not matter what kind of retirement you get on this day.
Other factors that affect the amount of each check
There are other important things besides the COLA and assigned group that affect the exact amount of each check.
People who retired after more years of paying into Social Security usually get more money because they paid more into the system while they were working. Also, people who retired later or decided to put off getting their pension may see their payments go up.
What kind of benefits each worker gets is also very important. For example, the amounts of disability and early retirement incomes are not the same.
Also, the type of COLA adjustment that is made each year can change the amount paid, which makes the end amounts of the checks different.
In order to properly handle their money, retirees need to be aware of all of these things when they get their payments.
To make sure that benefits are as fair as possible, Social Security keeps changing its rules. Retirees should know how these changes affect them personally.
Also see:-These retirees will receive $4,873 in Social Security payments shortly before Black Friday
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