The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) enforces a lot of rules and laws that are the same for drivers of all ages and stages. The state says it does not have any age-based special rules for drivers, which could be seen as unfair.
Still, some of the law controls we have talked about here, like how to report a driver who might be dangerous and how to keep disability parking plates and placards safe, may be especially important for older drivers.
License Renewal Rules in Ohio
Ohio does not impose any age-based rules on license renewals.
Time limits:Â All drivers age 21 and older must renew in person every four years.
Vision test:Â Required at in-person renewal. BMV personnel will conduct a test free, with and without corrective lenses.
Written test:Â Not generally required at in-person renewal.
Road test:Â Not generally required at in-person renewal.
How to Request an Unsafe Driver Investigation in Ohio
If there is “good cause to believe” that a licensed driver is not able to drive safely, the Ohio BMV will accept information from a police station, court, doctor, hospital, or rehabilitation center that the driver should either submit a medical statement or take a driver license exam.
Anyone from the police or the court must have seen the person driving or talked to the driver in person before they can make such a request.
The BMV will also act on a written and signed request from a driver’s family member, friend, or neighbor, but only if there is a good reason to demand a medical statement or a driver license test.
Requests from doctors are the only ones that will be kept secret from the driver.
Send a written request to have a driver recertified for driving privileges:
Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Attention: Driver License Special Case Section/Medical Unit
P.O. Box 16784
Columbus, Ohio 43216
Or you can fax it to 614-752-7271, Attention: Medical Unit.
The letter should include a release allowing the BMV to use the writer’s name as the source of information.
How to Get a Medical Restriction in Ohio
A driver may need to get a two-part driver license, which includes both a driver’s license and a medical restriction card, if a medical or vision problem could make it unsafe for them to drive.
The driver will get an Exam Station Request for Statement of Physician from the BMV 45 to 60 days before they need to pay their fee. First, the driver needs to get a doctor to fill out and sign the form. They then need to send it back to the BMV.
How to Get a License Reinstated
Call the BMV’s main office at 614-752-7500 to find out how to get back an Ohio license that has been canceled or taken away.
If the license was taken away because of medical issues, it will stay taken away until an accepted Request for Statement of Physician is received or until the required tests are passed.
How to Get Parking Placards or License Plates for a Disabled Driver
Drivers who have trouble moving around can get disabled parking placards and license plates if a licensed medical professional confirms their condition.
The placards and plates are available for those who:
- cannot walk 200 feet without stopping to rest
- cannot walk without the use of, or assistance from, a brace, crutch, another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair, or other assistive device
- are severely restricted by lung disease
- use portable oxygen
- have a severe cardiac condition, or
- are severely limited in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition.
To obtain a disability placard:
- Complete and sign an Application for Disability Placard.
- Have a licensed physician, physician’s assistant, advance practice nurse, or chiropractor provide a Certification for Prescription as noted on the form.
- Include a fee of $5.00 for 10 years or $15 for a permanent placard.
- Take or mail the original application to the address on the form.
To obtain a disability plate:
- Get a form, Health Care Provider Certification of Eligibility for Disability License Plates.
- Have a licensed physician, physician’s assistant, advance practice nurse, or chiropractor complete it.
- Contact the local Deputy Registrar agency at 614-752-7800 for specifics on completing the procedure in your situation.
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