Millions of people in the United States who get Social Security or SSI will soon have money in their bank accounts. The payments for November are almost ready to be sent.
People who are qualified for retirement will get the biggest checks, while people who get SSI will get smaller checks or direct deposits. If you are blind, disabled, or at least 65 years old and don’t make much money, Supplemental Security Income is a federal program that can help you.
SSI and Social Security retirement payments in early November
On November 1, 2024, Social Security will send out its first retirement checks and the Federal Government will send out its next SSI checks and direct transfers.
People who get Supplemental Security Income usually get their monthly payment on November 1. On the third, though, Social Security retirement payments are more likely to be sent. On November 1, those who are retired will get paid:
- Got benefits before May 1997
- Are collecting SSI payments at the same time as retirement
There will be a new date for the retirement check on November 3. That means it will come on the same day as the SSI check. In other words, November 1. For people who are really tight on cash, it will be great because they will get two checks at once if they are eligible for both SSI and retirement.

Other Social Security payments to go out in November
Along with the Social Security payment that was sent out on November 3, seniors will get three more payments. Those of you born between 1 and 10 years ago who started getting retirement benefits after April 30, 1997, will get paid again on November 13.
If you don’t meet the 13th birthday requirement and don’t get the money, it may arrive in your bank account on November 20. As long as you were born between 11 and 20.
Retirees who were born after November 20 will get their direct payments or checks on November 30. In fact, it will happen on November 27. People who are retired can get up to $4,873, which is about $1,920 a year. SSI gives married couples up to $1,415 a month and gives people up to $943 a month.
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